ECV - Javi Agenjo at UPF


Última actualización: 20/04/2015

Entorns de Comunicacio Virtual

En la asignatura miraremos de hacer uso de diferentes tecnologias estandard (html + JS) para conectar diferentes usuarios.


Previous Years


Server: (or locally

Assigment I

To make a chat app that connects to the course server: “wss://” or “wss://” using the SillyClient from the library SillyServer so users can send messages between them.

When working from the university, remember to install the VPN of the UPF to be able to connect to the server.

The due date to the assigment will be Januaty 24th. You must send me a ZIP containing all the code and a README.TXT file with all the useful info (Fullnames, NIAs, MAILS) and info that you think could be useful to me.

Some features that you could add:

  • Special commands to do actions (change room topic, change username, etc)
  • Private messages between users (check sillyserver sendMessage parameters)
  • To add some very basic text based game inside the chat (like a trivial)
  • Allow to have avatars for every user
  • To create a canvas and allow users to draw together

Assigment II

Improve the chat from the first assigment so there is a canvas on the website visible by all users, where there is some kind of virtual space representation where every user can be seen.

The deadline is February 9th

Final Assigment

Read the slides to know more about the objectives and to find the URL to the framework.

The deadline is to be announced