3D on the Web

by Javier Agenjo

3D on the Web, past present and future

By Javi Agenjo

Who am I?

  1. Javi Agenjo (@tamat)
  2. 3D Graphics programmer
  3. Teacher and Researcher at UPF Barcelona
    • 3D Graphics
    • Game development
  4. Amateur game developer
  5. More info tamats.com


Why 3D?

Does the web really need 3D? People prefer 2D to consume information.

In the past people already try and failed. Remember VRML?

What do people understand by 3D on the web?

The obvious 3D: The same but in 3D

The obvious 3D: Virtual Environments

The obvious 3D: Videogames

Isn't 3D a gimmick?, something that its cool for a while and fade away? like using kinect to interact or stereographic movies.

Let's talk about infographics

Let's talk about Web development

Remember when webmaster could make websites without knowing anything about Javascript? Just using Macromedia Dreamweaver and Photoshop. That time is long gone.

Why now?

Technology is ready, the hardware is ready, the standards are ready, the browsers are ready.

OK, what can 3D do for me?

Data visualizations

Product portfolio

Improve information

Multimedia websites

Improve experiences

More applications to come

Where to start?

Right now you still need somebody with some basic understanding of 3D graphics and programming.

Tools are improving but they aren't mature enough.

New softwares and libraries are being launched every month.



Sketch Fab



The Future

3D on every device

New ways of experiencing the web

VR is just around the corner

Gracias :)

